Restaurants are getting paid to offset their carbon emissions
Feb 21, 2022 10:55:41 AM / by Sustainably Run

The new carbon offset incentive powered by Sustainably Run is paying restaurants to offset carbon.
As consumers have become more aware of their own carbon footprint, they’re looking for eco-friendly alternatives in all aspects of their life. They want their money to go beyond the bill and towards restaurant sustainability. Many people feel powerless when it comes to helping the environment, but when restaurants take a stand to act more sustainably, they give customers the power to do the same. This heavily influences where people choose to eat.
But how can restaurants reduce their carbon footprint?
We know it’s not cheap being green. But there are more painless alternatives than investing in new energy-efficient equipment or reworking your menu.
Sustainably Run Restaurants has launched the Carbon Offset Incentive, a zero-cost United Nations initiative that automatically pays restaurants to offset their carbon footprint on a quarterly basis by planting trees.
So, not only restaurants won't have to spend a dime, but they will actually earn money from being sustainable! While conventional practices of carbon reduction cost businesses, the Carbon Offset Incentive automatically sends restaurants money on a quarterly basis just for being part of the Sustainably Run Restaurant initiative. The amount varies based on the number of bills presented. For example, if a restaurant presents 250 bills per week, it will receive around £1,600 per year, just for participating in the Sustainably Run Restaurant Initiative. Calculate how much you can earn.
How the Carbon Free initiative has helped 100’s of restaurant owners so far
Brand Loyalty
When a restaurant’s values align with its customers, they are much more likely to return for seconds. They’ll feel like their money contributed to a positive change in the world and it’ll bring a greater sense of enjoyment and fulfillment to their outing. Chances are they’ll also spread the word. A little free word-of-mouth advertising never hurt anybody. Thank us later!
Staff Engagement
People don’t only want to spend their money sustainably, they want to earn it that way too. Having a strong social conscience can significantly boost staff retention, motivation, and morale. It certainly feels great knowing that your work contributes to a positive cause! Even if they eventually find work somewhere else, they’ll surely return as customers!
Customer Attraction
By publicly sharing your sustainability strategy, people will feel more compelled to at least try your restaurant and at most become loyal customers. You may also find yourself appealing to a broader range of people, it’s a win-win!
Help Communities in Need
3 billion of the world’ s poorest live on less than $2.50/day and depend almost entirely on productive land for their livelihoods. Tree planting can improve their lives by providing immediate employment, better shelter, and more food in the long run, as well as protective infrastructure from extreme weather events.
This is how it works
- Diners have the option to plant a tree when they pay the bill by adding £1.23 to it.
- The trees are photographed, geotagged, and added to the forest.
- Customers can also create their very own personal forest, making it more likely for them to return to the restaurant and plant more trees.
- At the end of each quarter, the restaurant gets back 10% of the contributions collected.
And there’s even more to it.
By participating in the Carbon Free initiative, you’ll get fresh content including your planted tree count every month, as well as personalized social media videos when you join to attract more diners. Don’t hesitate to let customers know what part you’re playing in helping the planet.
Joining the Carbon Offset Incentive is therefore not only sensible for doing your part for the planet, but it also makes solid business sense. Being sustainable is more than just a nice extra: it’s a necessity for satisfying the needs of the current and future generations of diners. If you want customers to pick you over the competition, you’ve got to show them that they’re paying for more than just their plate.
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